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Installing and Configuring Bria Enterprise Application on iPhone


To successfully install and configure the Bria Enterprise application on an iPhone for use with IPC Solutions.

Key Steps:

  1. Go to the App Store on your iPhone.

  2. Search for "Bria Enterprise" in the search bar.

  3. Press the "Install" button and wait for the app to download.

  4. Once downloaded, open the Bria Enterprise application.

  5. Enter the username and password provided by IPC Solutions. Check your email for the login information.

  6. Locate the soft phone username and password in the email and copy them.

  7. Paste the username and password into the Bria Enterprise app.

  8. Enable the "Remember Login" option for future logins.

  9. Click on "Log In" to access the application.

  10. Grant any permissions requested by the app by clicking "OK" and "Allow".

Cautionary Notes:

  • Ensure that the username and password provided by IPC Solutions are entered accurately to avoid login issues.

  • Make sure to grant all necessary permissions for the app to function properly.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Keep the email from IPC Solutions with the login information easily accessible during the installation process.

  • Double-check the entered username and password before logging in to prevent errors.

  • Test the application by making a call or exploring its features to ensure successful installation and configuration.

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