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Bria Enterprise Softphone - Troubleshooting

Account Status - Not Registered Unknown (503)

This error usually occurs when the user has their mobile on a wifi connection. The cause of this is an update to iOS that requires apps to have permission to use your local network (wifi).

To resolve the issue:

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Local Network.

  2. Find the Bria in the list and enable the toggle.

  3. Once back at the Bria app, the account should now be registered.

Note that at one site, all devices were getting 503 errors and we needed to restart Asterisk to fix the problem.

Android Phone - Bria Not Ringing But Call Notification Appears

If the user is getting notifications of calls, but the softphone is not ringing when the desk phone does, check the Notification settings

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > Bria Enterprise

  2. Tap on Notifications and check the Allow Notifications is enabled.

  3. Go back to the App Info screen.

  4. Tap on Permissions and check that Contacts, Microphone, Notifications, and Phone are all Allowed.

  5. Exit from the Settings and try a test call.

iPhone - Bria only having one way audio

Symptoms: When calls connects, Bria user can hear other end but not vice versa

Resolution: Updated iPhone iOS (in this case, was from iOS 18.1.1 to 18.2.1. (In future cases, should also ensure latest version of Bria is in use.)

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.